Saturday, October 01, 2011

Running out of funny titles (and its only been 2 weeks)

Wednesday 28th September

Not looking forward to today, plenty of work that needs to be done. No time like the present. So after the morning preperations, the semi-cold shower and the mediocre breakfast burrito, i cracked on with the work.

the work consisted of 2 parts, A review of Chapter 2 of my Management, which alone doesn't sound too bad, but the chapter has 63 pages. :(
The second, required me to solve a set of financial problems, then change the numbers in the questions and resolve them. these 'new' questions would be used on the Mid-term paper in 3 weeks time.

Anyway, this blog isn't about boring you guys to death with my academics. This is about more than that.

But alas, the only key point worth mentioning is the bowling night planned. Starting at 9, me and 4 friends met the group of 110 who would also be going. We boarded 2 coaches and headed to the other side of San Bernardino. We managed to get 3 games in 2 hours. Representing Britain, I won all 3 games from our group. My best score was 159, one of the highest scores of the whole night. Although there was one guy who managed to get an amazing score of 232 in the next lane. He won a $50 gift pack (jealous much).

When we arrived back at 1am, you can probably guess what happened next :)

Apolagies for the lack of detail in this blog, i might be knocking the content down a bit to focus a bit more on academics and all the fun stuff :)

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