Saturday, October 29, 2011

The mad and the mid-term

Tuesday 25th October

Today I just didn’t have the energy to go to the gym, and besides I’d much rather spend time talking to my parents.  That and the fact I still need to prepare for this blasted mid-term.  And just to top everything off, IT’S RAINING!!!!!!!

After barely getting 7 hours sleep, it was 08.30am, and I knew I needed to go to the gym to burn off some of the calories I’d eaten over the weekend. It looks like they’re staying on for the moment. I fully intend to do extra over the coming days to compensate for the lack of exercise I have done (assuming you don’t count breaking your back to move a display cabinet)

Revising for the mid-term was definitely on the agenda, since I’d only done little bits up to this point. Unfortunately I did have one obstacle – Marketing 305. The class wasn’t too bad, I got part of my mid-term grade back. The test was in 2 parts and I managed to get 77% on part 1. I’ll be getting part 2 on Thursday. Now I have 2 ½ hours before the mid-term starts, which were some of the best revising hours I’ve ever had. 

MIDTERM –Finance 313 – 6pm – 8pm

The test consisted of 35 multiple choice questions. Sounds easy enough, but each question required the use of at least one formula with financial information. These equations range from simple cash ratios to specific financial identities.

Even though the test was 2 hours (including extra time) I was done by 7.30pm. By this point I just wanted to hide in my room. However there was a Halloween party. Since my mid-terms are over, I though I may as well have some fun.

The party ran from 8-12pm. To be honest, the Americans really embrace being ‘fashionably late’ since the party didn’t really kick off till about 10pm. Even then, the party was ‘a bit too ghetto’ for my liking (music wise) and ‘way too much grinding’ for sober people

Nevertheless, the party turned out to be quite good, and by 12pm everyone had left. I wasn’t tired so I decided to help with the clean-up operation. By 1am you wouldn’t have guessed we had a party in there.

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