Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Breaking out is hard to do

Tuesday 11th October

 .....and a little bit more research before i went to bed.
Today's gym session was different. Instead of using gatorade to fuel my mediocre performance, i just used water. The result, an extra 40 calories burned in the hour and an improvement of 200 calories from not using energy drinks.

After barely making it out of the shower, it was time to Skype home for the regular update and deliver the news that pretty much nothing had changed.It's still re-assuring to see familiar faces every once in a while.

Time to put everything to one side and continue with my classes. Marketing, International management and Business finance. 6 hours of near boredom. Having said that, Marketing and Business finance covered what was required in the upcoming mid-terms and International Marketing gave us time to prepare for the upcoming presentations and to begin with the final project, which i'll discuss at a later date.

After the classes, me and 4 others had a walk down to the pizza shop 15 minutes down the road. A large pizza, probably about 12 or 13 inch in diamater for $5.40. It didn't last long, we only got 2 slices each. So we all decided to get another :)

Heading back to my room, in our small living room were 8 Canadians and Germans. Looks like Adrian was having one of his lil' party's again. No way was I gonna get to sleep anytime soon. Next thing i know, it's 2am and i've seen almost a full series of The Big Bang Theory. A sad realisation, which would only be built upon later on.

Wednesday 12th October

Gym - 65 mins - 950 Cal

Nothing but preperation for the presentation due tomorrow. Meeting up with the group to combine all our notes. We arranged to meet up at 1.30pm and combine our findings to produce the powerpoint that would kick-start my mid-term season. After a hour of two colecting the information from the previous research, I caught a quick bite to eat before meeting up in the computer lab.

Nearly 2 hours of discussions, production and the odd semiotic joke (things that mean different things in different countries) we completed our presentation, and returned to our quarters. For the next 7 hours i just stayed in my room, watching tv and topping up on myknowledge of equity and time-value of money equations

More details will be revealed soon...

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