Thursday, December 15, 2011

This work aint gonna do itself.

Tuesday 29th November

The previous weekend was a pure waste, where I did almost nothing, which meant that I needed to crack on with the China project. This project is due in two days and I still had 2 sections to write. This time, I wasn’t gonna let any distractions get in my way.

However, this was a school day, so as always I had classes to attend to. Marketing which gave advice on the previous midterm, and also the result with it. I got an A-, the equivalent of 93%, which just goes to show that staying in your room, shying away from the world to focus on your studies really does pay off. Especially since I got the 3rd highest grade in the class, which includes 4 marketing seniors. (the vigilant readers will notice that I actually said I got a B+ and 87%, but that only represented the first part, adding the 2nd part boosted the grade.)

The management class had been finished for 2 weeks now, which gave the group a chance to meet up and focus on what needed to the done for the project. Turns out we don’t have a lot left to do for it, so we should be finished by Wednesday.

The Finance class was a lifeline, since the final exam would be on Thursday, just blooming typical since my birthday was on Thursday. Got through some serious revision, which was desperately needed, before the final.

The rest of the night, I actually did some serious work. My section of the project was complete, which just meant that tomorrow, I’d be meeting up with the group to combine the project for the grade J

Skipping forward……..

Wednesday 30th November

My last day of being 20, and boy was it gonna be a boring one. The first point of order, the gym. Since I forgot yesterday and Monday, AND the fact I couldn’t go since Thanksgiving, meant that I was really out of shape, I only managed 1025 cals in the normal 65 minutes.

Putting that to one side, the project was due to be finished, and nothing was gonna stop me, not even the invite for a midday run down to Ihop, the pancake diner was gonna stop me. The midday run that I did do however was over to the computer lab to meet with the group to wrap this project up once and for all.

By 2pm, we’d put together all the sections and aligned the references. 6 weeks of project work that almost drove me insane, and it finishes with just 4 clicks of the mouse.

It felt like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, so as always, I treated myself to a footlong sub with ALL the trimmings and then some. I don’t care that this sub alone cost $10.47, because I also have a small void to full, namely the meal plan, which has $160 to be used by 7pm Friday 9th. That’s roughly $16 a day, A problem since my initial plan was $8.37 a day.

The more urgent issue now though was the upcoming final exam, which in my opinion would be the toughest of the 3 modules. Needless to say the rest of the day would be spent revising like crazy.

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