Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Return of the Brit (full of food)

Friday 25th November

The experience at Thanksgiving is one that will stay with me forever, and so will this belly by just remembering how much I actually ate over the holiday period. Knowing that I’d be up early today I’d packed a little ‘pick me up’.

You’re probably wondering “A pick me up…He means drugs…”. Yes, but only if u call a concentrated amount of caffeine a drug!!! I had a ‘power shot’ named 5 hour energy, which as the name suggests, wakes you up and provides a 5 hour burst of energy, just what I needed J

Rolling out of bed at half 7, being very courteous to my amazing hosts, Buzz and Kathe, I devoured a cream-cheese bagel, knowing that this would be all I’d eat until I got back to the room, 130 miles away. After saying me goodbyes and thanks to Buzz and Kathe, Greg, Christine and I set off, closely followed by Buzz and Kathe. Their plan was to drive to Bob Hope (Burbank) Airport, where Greg and Christine would drop off the car, then join Buzz and Kathe to drive up past Sacramento. Greg and Chrissy would be taking a slight detour, and dropping me off at Montclair rail station, where I’d be getting a ride to San Bernardino, and then a bus back to Uni.

Sounds simple enough, but guess where the slight problem was.

Seriously, have a guess…..

Not in a guessing mood huh.

The problem occurred on the drive up from San Diego to Montclair, where there had been a fatal crash on the I15, we’d been listening to the traffic channel and for all the time we were listening in, they failed to mention the crash… until we hit the back of the 5 mile tailback. 

Just ‘ruddy typical, but of course each incident didn’t come without it’s humo(u)r, courtesy of Buzz. Putting Buzz on speaker while sitting in a traffic jam is just the same as sitting in a theatre to listen to comedians all night long. He spoke of how it was all a conspiracy to punish us all for some reason or another, I don’t really remember because I was laughing too much.

And to be fair, he was right to call it. When we eventually made it off the interstate, we found a dirt road (by pure luck), that looked over the interstate up until the next junction, and would you believe it, no crash, no wreckage, just 3 cop cars and a couple of vans parked in the middle of the road, just doing nothing. I’m not one to judge, they may have just finished and were packing up or it could have been nothing. We’ll never know.

Needless to say this delayed us for over an hour, which meant I missed my train and had to wait nearly an hour for the next one. I had music and my headphones (which will soon be my brothers, when he pays for them) so I was entertained. Just before I boarded the train, I met Italy, (not the country, a person) a middle aged woman, who ‘claimed’ to be a truck driver, but I could easily tell she ‘worked the streets’. Two reasons, 1. Italy is a very rare first name 2. I’m pretty sure truck drivers don’t go out in their Sunday best.

Despite this, she said she was picking up a cross-country at a depot just south from CSUSB, so I didn’t think twice about sharing a taxi, since the buses weren’t running well. Despite her pleas for me to pay the full fare of $30, we split the fare, with a tip for the driver for dropping me off first.

Home sweet home, I could relax. Or so I thought. My phone had run out of service time and the auto-renewal I tried to set up had been ‘declined’. This is the 2nd time now, clearly my debit card doesn’t work well over here. After a quick break to unpack my gear, I headed down to the wal-mart to buy another phone card and a couple of snacks for the room.

By this time, it was 5pm, and unlucky for me, the campus was closed, meaning I couldn’t get any food on site. Not to worry, Chrissy had packed the leftover bread rolls form my bread basket, and I’d picked up some cheese at Wal-mart. Cheese sarnie’s, here I come…

Nom, nom, nom.

Nom nom.

What a lovely snack. The rest of the day I felt like doing nothing. It doesn’t matter, I have all weekend for that last piece of coursework….

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