Thursday, December 15, 2011

That’s one crazy birthday

Thursday 1st December,

We continue our story bang on midnight. Happy birthday to me (hehehe). The joy of living in another country is that you get 32 hours of facebook messages. And boy, my friends did not disappoint, since the first messages occurred at 4pm Wednesday, After 2 hours of talking with my friends and updating them all on my progress, what I’m currently doing, and in a couple of cases “why the hell are you living in California”

I awoke slap bang on 8am, since today was going to be a huge day, not just the fact that I’m 21, but that the blasted Final exam was at 6pm. This meant that my revision was not yet over, but the distractions kept on rolling in. A gym session to get me going, only to do some revision while I’m pedaling away on the cross trainer.

2pm came and the ultimate distraction, the last marketing class, covering everything to be covered in the marketing exam exactly a week today.

This meant I only had 2 hours to refresh my memory from marketing to finance, and boy did that time fly. Before I knew it I was waiting outside the disability office for my exam

FINAL EXAM: FIN 313: 6pm

Don’t get the wrong idea, it was only 30 multiple choice questions so you’re thinking, how could this be a difficult test. It even gets easier because ei was allowed to take it 20 formulas on an A5 sheet. The problem though is that all the questions use at least 2 formulas in each question and the use of 2 calculators to calculate these answers isn’t as easy as it sounds.

The final exam finished at half 7, and I was so relieved that it was over, because I could finally have a  drink. 2 ½ months and I could finally drink. After dropping my stuff off in my room, I met up with a few friends: Amaka, Roxy, Freddy, Dave,  Zack and Becky, who had also finished the same exam as me. In the space of 70 minutes, I downed 4 beers, the equivalent of about 3 ½ pints, which originally would have been enough, but Becky had other plans. She was gonna take me on one hell of a drinking night. Zack decided to tag along, claiming that someone needed to look after me J.

In hindsight, this was a very good idea. To sum up the evening, we drove down to a retail park, where we first stopped off at Applebees, where I had 2 more beers and a Root Beer Schnapps, then we headed over to Buffalo Wild Wings for plenty more beers. By the end of the night, I apparently had 13 beers (about 11 pints and the RBS was the equivalent of 1 beer and a double vodka)

Lucky for me, Becky didn’t drink much and Zack stayed off the sauce completely, and by midnight, we were done. During the drive home, I was apparently singing Pink’s Sober. That’s according to Zack anyway, I can’t really remember much of it. I remember that Zack walked me back to my door and that I somehow got into bed. Also how I wasn’t sick will remain a mystery to me :P

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