Sunday 25th September
Just picture if you will: The lazy song by Bruno Mars.
I really focused on the first line of that song. If for any reason you're not familiar with modern pop, the first line is "Today i'm not doing anything". Which is almost what I did. Waking up at 10:30am, i would then spend the next 4 hours just staying in my room. (which is almst what happened) I first had to buy my school books for the fall quarter. Can you believe it, 2 books and a special calculator for $260!!
The only good thing is that i can sell the books back, so i may be able to get about $100 back after the quarter is over.
I then proceded to start the first piece of coursework. I got through all of 10 words when I got a call to join my friends at the pool. Hmm, "coursework or pool" i thought. Bit of a no-brainer really, as i continued with my coursework. Yea Right. obviously i packed my bag to go to the pool. Another few hours spent lazying away by the deserted pool. Seriously, I don't understand it, theres a huge pool and no-one uses it. Mabye theres an old tale of someone dying in there that i haven't heard yet.
I had barely finished up, got back to my flat and cleaned up, when it was time for the next scheduled event, Dining in the Dark. At first i'm thinking back to my "Strange Eats" competition, where i had to eat raw tofu and crickettes. Turns out it was just a spaghetti bolognase with the lights turned off. bit of let down really.
I was particuarly looking forward to the next event, the last in the 'welcome week' series, speed friending. imagine speed dating, but rather to get to know people than look for a potential soul-mate. Quite a large turnout arrived and we had to use a 2nd room. We each got a minute to introduce ourselves and have a quick chat. It just so happens that having a British accent plays well, since i continued the speed friending long after the event had finished.
A group of about 10 of us retired to the gaming lounge, with a pool table, ping pong and table footy (also called Fuusball). The Americans didn't know what hit them, sinc i beat everyone at pool and fuusball. I'll save the ping pong for later (a lot later, since i've never played it).
It hit 11:30pm. and a few people needed to go to Wal-mart. since i had no snacks in my room, i thought i might as well get something as well. We had to hurry though, since the store closed at midnight. fitting 5 people into a 92' Toyota Corolla was a squeeze, but we got there eventually. After 10 minutes of picking snacks we re-grouped, only to find Amaka couldn't decide on what flavo(u)r ice-cream to get.
We escaped with 5 minutes to spare, and made it back to campus. Everyone else had class in the morning and wanted an early night (how you get an early night from 12:15am i'll never know). I went back as well, knowing i still had that essay to write later....
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