Saturday 24th September
Today I decided it was about time the folks back home, it had been practically a week since i'd spoken properly to them.
So for almost an hour, we continued talking on Skype, pretty much about how i'm settling in, what i've been upto and how I should be going into journalism because of the blog. It's hardly journalism, it's just telling a story as it unfolds. although to be fair, if i keep it up at this rate, it'll be a 300 page novel. They also mentioned how they liked the humour, which to be fair is quite true; you wouldn't want a days account to just drag on and on, i'd lose the few followers i already have :p
After the hour, i was due to meet up with Amaka and Roxy at the gym for my first American gym workout. Stepping into the Recreation centre (or rec center in the US), there are more machines than i though you could fit into a building. I spent an hour and a half having a mix between cross-trainers, step machines and weights, but you can probably imagine i was pretty tired, so the best way to relax... (after getting a sandwich of course)......
Why, relax by the pool of course. Another game of Marco-polo, but this time in the larger pool. Not that I want to show off, but......
Just to rub it in a bit more, coparing the bottom of my feet, you can see how much i've tanned already :p
By 5pm, we'd had enough and decided to retire to the pool table for a couple of games of pool. How i miss the English version though. We even decided to play to Fussball, which the Americans called table football.
There was also a talent show from 6:30pm, where people signed up to show off their talents. There was a lot of singers, dancers and "word-smiths" (fancy word for people who tell poems.) by 7:30 though, the list had been depleted, which left some last minute volunteers. Before you say, no i didn't volunteer.
Roxy on the other hand volunteered me instead. thinking on the spot i decided to go for "You Raise me up" on the piano and singing at the same time. I decided that 2 verses would be enough, since i can't sing the highest notes on the piano version. In the end it actually went really well, to the sound of thunderous applause. With 10 minutes before the end, the person behind me suggested i have another go. everyone else seemed to agree. So i sang "You'll be in my heart", this time without the Piano, which also went very well.
Afterwards, we played a few more games of pool, then when the village square closed at 10pm (where the pool table was) then we decided to call it a night. after a bit of reading of some course material, i went to sleep, ready to do absolutely nothing tomorrow
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