Friday, September 23, 2011

Orientation over

After all the preperations, orientations and developments concerning culture shock, It was unforunately time to start my classes. But thats for later, we still have to talk about Wednesday night.

And oh my, what a night it was. But before we get to that, we left the action as I was picking up my passport. So there were at least 200 people swamped around this small office. Previously the staff had given us a survey to complete, and once it was complete and handed in, you would get your passport (i detect a hint of black-mail there :( ). Most people either forgot it, or didn't fill it in. Those who had completed it were brought to one side. I was surrounded by Chinese and German students, thinking "dam this is gonna take a while"


Despite the fact they said my name wrong, I was relieved, since i was the first one (good times). That also meant i was unofficially the only person from the UK (bad times). Half an hour later, my adopted auntie Chrissy arrived with 3 huge bin liners in her car, filled with old bedding she didn't need. I'd been waiting for these for ages, but that night little did i know i'd have one of the best sleeps ever.

After the unload of unwanted bedding, sheets and a lamp (which doesn't need a UK to US adaptor, boo-yah) we set off to Wal-mart. This was meant to be only 5 minutes down the road, but of course it took us close to 15 minutes. Not because of traffic, but because when we looked for directions on Google maps, it led us to a distribution warehouse for Dollor Tree (similar to a massive pound-shop chain). As we re-traced our steps, we discovered something truly amazing, (give you a clue: "get your kicks on ##### ##")

That's right, we were driving on the historic Route 66, all freshly tarmac'd. it didn't last long, because we did find the Wal-mart eventually. Think of the size of Wembley stadium and thats what this place was like, they had absolutely everything, i'm surprised u didn't get complimentary buggies to drive you around the place. First port of call, the technology centre, I needed an American phone. You think we get a bad deal in the UK on phones. Everything was on 2 year deals ranging from $30 to $60 per month (£20 - £40) on top of the phone which u dont get free. Eventually i found a cheap phone which was on a 1 month rolling contract, easy to come out of at the end of my stay. $40 for the phone and $30 per month (plus tax so add another $3)

Since I'm on a meal plan, i didn't need to buy any food, but thought i might as well buy a few things just in case. Now we all complain about food being expensive in the UK, in the US however, its almost the opposite. thinking about what the 4 of us used to spend a week would probably be about £20 cheaper ($30) at Wal-mart. Once all the shopping was completed, we headed back to the campus, where i said bye bye to Auntie Chrissy (remember she's not my actual auntie) and headed back.

From 7pm we had our apartment meetings, where we met with our (R)esidential (A)ssistant, who'd look after us if anything went wrong. This gave me half an hour to sort the room out, which was a mess since we just dumped all the bedding. Once this was done it was almost time to head out. So the whole of building 6 (where i'm staying) gathered in the quad in the centre of the building
And basically talked about health and safety, what to do if you lose your keys and what to do in the event of a fire (despite the fact we had a drill the day before)

The main entertainment would come just after this. We were told to dress like Romans and make our way to the village centre. (you can probably guess whats coming)
One of the main things u associate with the the Toga. Luckily, Auntie Chrissy left a spare bed sheet, but despite not being white, it still fit (eventually)

Quick Question: What do you get when you cross a British student with an unused bedsheet
.                                                  Scroll Down for the answer
Not ideal... it looks more like a dress, but i assure you it is just a bed-sheet (and yes there is something else underneath, i'm not walking around campus without any pants on.)

We would party on till 1AM, which is quite strange for me. Not beause of the time, but the fact that everyone was completely sober and still dancing like drunks. At least tonight i could go home and not have to worry about a hangover in the morning. But I did have something to worry about, my first day of classes....

(P.S, sorry this post is very long, if you made it this far, you deserve a treat. go get yourself a cookie from the cupboard or a packet of crisps :p)

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