Q1. So where are you going?
A: I'm going to San Bernardino, roughly 70 miles east of Los Angeles, towards the bottom of the state.
(Thanks to top50states.com for the image)
Q2: What are you doing over there?
A: Besides being the only Yorkshire man for miles, I'm going to study Business at California State University: San Bernardino (go figure)
Q3: How are you getting there?
#Saturday i'm hitching a ride with the parents and the lil' squirt (now a big squirt) to Heathrow, where we'll stay the night at a nearby hotel.
#We then have to get up at 6am to be dressed, have brekky, and get to the airport for no later than 07:45am.
#I'll then check my bag in and say my goodbyes, while avoiding the inevitable flood from my Mum's tears.
#The flight leaves (or is supposed to leave) at 10:50, which will then take 11 and a half hours (:o) to get to LA airport.
#This is where things get confusing. For all you UK folk it'll be 21:45 when i land, but for me it'll be 13:45 (8 hours difference, imagine the jet lag)
#From there, its a taxi to Union station, a train to the city of San Bernardino and a taxi up to the University, which will probably get me there for 18:30pm/02:30am
#At this point i'll probably collapse since i'll have been awake for 20 hours, assuming i had no sleep on the plane over. If i survive, i'll probably unpack what i can, and try to update you all (you lucky guys and gals)
Q4: Can I come with you?
A: It's a standing offer, if you can fit inside a suitcase, i'll bring you along, but unless your a very good contortionist and weigh less than 23KG, this is as close to the action as you'll get (sorry)
Q5: How long are you going for
A: From the leaving day (18th September) i stay for the first term, then fly back just before christmas (19th -> 20th December). In real terms taking time zones into account it's a 20 hour flight. I then fly back around the 5th January and will stay to the end of the academic year. (roughly mid-June). At which point the family will be coming out for a 3 week tour of California/Nevada. It'll be Mid July when I return)
Q6: There is no question 6
A: and that concludes this session of Q&A, any more queries, just leave a comment here and i'll pick it up.
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