Friday, December 16, 2011

How I miss hangovers

Friday 2nd December

I’ve missed that feeling. I’ve been used to it since I was 18, but since I’ve been sober for 2 ½ months, it hit me really hard. The annoying things was that I had a skype call lined up with the parents at 10am, which meant I had to get up and endure the throbbing headache. Not even 2 extra strength headache pills and 2 litres of water could stop it.

Putting on my best poker face and trying to hide the hangover from the parents seemed to work as well, until I turned on the webcam and spoke, in which not even the best liar could hide it. I barely made it through the talk, also wishing my dad a happy 49th (old git) birthday, before I needed another couple of hours to sleep. Just as I was heading for the bed, my auntie Sue wanted the update too.  Although I was starting to pull round, it still felt like I’d been hit by a train.

After the chat with folks back home, I decided to lay it low for the rest of the day, although I needed to grab a bite before 2pm since that’s when the food court closes, and I still had $148 to spend in 1 week. Apart from the midday food run, nothing else happened, since I was trying to sleep off my embarrassment of not being able to handle the hangovers like I used to.  

The best weekend followed………. I’ll keep this VERY simple, Saturday through to Tuesday, I did practically nothing, since everyone was staying in and revising for their final exams, so no-one was being social.

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