Friday, December 16, 2011

The Final curtain

Thursday 8th December 2011

This is it, the final stretch. By 4pm, my quarter will be over. I’d originally planned a few hours of last minute revision, when I got a call from Kim, my Marketing classmate called me to meet up and help with her revision. Nothing is better than dual revision, so of course I agreed. Turns out Kim had just completed a final exam in a management class with Becky from my Finance class. After meeting up with the dynamic duo, along with Steve, another of their management classmates, we headed for a bit to eat.

The destination, barely half a mile down the road and a ‘dirty taco shop’. Basically, it’s just a restaurant but the food is pretty ‘stodgy’. I barely managed to finish my taco bean meal, a plate of rice, beans, chili and soft taco skins, before the ‘stodginess’ came back up. Just blooming great, I’m feeling sick just 1 hour before my test. Upon reflection, it would have been better to actually force the food back up than keep it in.

FINAL EXAM: Marketing 305: 2pm

Putting the food to one side, the final hurdle is here, 50 multiple choice questions, relating to both the theoretical and real life examples along with 2 essay questions relating to the details of the BCG matrix and the history/ use/ use within real companies. The essay part didn’t take too much of the time, but the multiple choice took a while.

It’s all over, wooooooo.
I was literally doing cartwheels all the way back home. I celebrated with another mega sub, just like before. Unfortunately by this point, everyon else had finished their final exams and were heading home. The campus was slowly becoming a ghost town. But it doesn’t matter, after a cheeky beer with Zack, I returned to my flexible isolation state.

Where I would stay for the majority of Friday too, but with $17 left on the meal plan and only 4 hours to spend it, I met up with Amaka, who helped me to spend the rest of the money, since her meal plan ran out on Tuesday. Pretty easy when she goes to Starbucks twice a day. On the way back, we bumped into Dave, who was heading back to Minnesota. After a long chat we said our final goodbyes, since Dave wouldn’t be returning.

Another goodbye would come later on, when I met up with Claudie, a French Canadian who was also heading home over the weekend. A group of 6 of us headed down for a farewell meal at Carl’s Jr, a burger place, often frequented by this group.

About 9pm, we said our final goodbyes to Claudie as well, and I spent the rest of the night preparing for a huge amount of fun tomorrow.

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